Prizrak opera

Directed by Emil Nikogosyan
The story of friendship between police operative Lyosha and the ghost of the legendary swindler Pashka Veterok. Lyosha is a young police operative who has been receiving minor assignments from colleagues for the entire six months of his service - to catch a fly, heat a kettle, photocopy the criminal code. Like all young specialists, Lyosha is eager for serious work - and having convinced the boss that he is quite ready, he gets his first job. He will have to uncover the secret of the death of a young man, in whom Ltosha recognizes Pashka Veterka, the legendary swindler who once "thrown" Alexey for a million rubles. On the same evening, Lyosha is the ghost of Pashka: he does not care about his death - after all, with one eye he has already seen the Garden of Eden, filled with three hundred virgins. One problem - in order to earn a pass to paradise, Pashka must repay Alexey a debt of one million rubles. The adventurer turns on all his skill: he persuades Alexey to argue with colleagues for money, asks him to organize a magnificent funeral for the reward of his friends, forces him to take the winning bottle of Coca-Cola and even forces Lyosha to go to the battle of psychics - but every time everything rests on Alexey's crystal honesty.

Where to Watch Prizrak opera

Cast of Prizrak opera

  • Vyacheslav EvlantevLyosha
  • Garik KharlamovPasha
  • Vasily KortukovStepan
  • Stasya MiloslavskayaNika
  • Edward OrudzhyanZayemshchik
  • Andrey SkorokhodRatmir
  • Ilya SobolevZhenya
  • Inga Strelkova-OboldinaValera
  • Yan TsapnikYaroshenko
  • Dmitry VlaskinSanchez
  • Bronislava ZakharovaBabushka



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