Pobeg iz Moskvabada

Directed by Darya Poltoratskaya
2015    1h 31m
In "Pobeg iz Moskvabada," Maria Lastochkina navigates the bustling streets of Moscow, haunted by her friend Andrey's tragic death at the hands of a guest worker. As she seeks justice, Maria uncovers a web of corruption that challenges her resolve.
Where to Watch Pobeg iz Moskvabada
Cast of Pobeg iz Moskvabada
  • Masha Mashkova
  • Nikita Panfilov
  • Michael Janibekyan
  • Aleksandr Grishin
  • Ekaterina Solomatina
  • Andrey Frolov
  • Kirill Käro
  • Kamilla Mukhlisovaэмигрантка
  • Ольга ВяземскаяГалядкина

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