Outer Man

Directed by Minoru Kawasaki
2015    82m
In "Outer Man," a rogue alien dons the guise of a beloved TV star, unleashing chaos and manipulation across Japan. As the bizarre brainwashing ensues, a mismatched team must rise to expose the extraterrestrial ruse and save their culture from absurdity.
Cast of Outer Man
  • Yasuhisa FuruharaYoshino
  • Shun ShioyaAdachi
  • Junki Tozuka
  • Takumi TsutsuiDr. Fukuyama
  • Michiko Makino
  • Gen Ichikawa
  • Yuki Ikushima
  • Eiichi Kikuchi
  • Ryûki Kitaoka
  • Ryu Manatsu
  • Shunichi Okita
  • Kojiro TakahashiHiroshi Sato
  • Sanshiro Wada

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