Especially dangerous

Directed by Sulambek Mamilov
1980    84mCrime, Mystery
One of the southern cities of Russia during the NEP. The famous doctor and his wife are killed, the person living opposite Schwartz is kidnapped. The bandits were looking for gold. Then there is a diversion at the factory. The Chekists find out that a man is implicated in everything, posing as a businessman Bespaly, he is Lieutenant Voronov, aka “Chaly” - the leader of the gang. With the selfless efforts of the operatives, the gang manages to neutralize.

Where to Watch Especially dangerous

Cast of Especially dangerous

  • Viktor ZhiganovВиктор Климов
  • Boris NevzorovСтепан Спиридонович Клыч
  • Tatyana DrubichТаня Шевчук
  • Lev DurovПотапыч
  • Zinoviy GerdtШварц, ювелир
  • Nikolai SektimenkoСелезнёв
  • Anatoliy SkoryakinМиша Гонтарь
  • Vladimir VikhrovСтас Ильин
  • Yelena IvochkinaВиктория Клембовская
  • Timofey SpivakКонстантин, («Красавец»)
  • Mikhail Vodyanoyхозяин ресторана Арнольд
  • Valentin Bukinбандит Тюхин Павел



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