Orville and Wilbur

Directed by Arthur Barron
In depth story the early efforts by the wright Brothers to achieve human flight. Revealing their family life in Dayton, Ohio and preoccupation with flight while operating their local Bicycle Repair Shop. Most compelling is the interaction between the Wright Brothers by real life brothers Jimmy and Stacy Keach which gives a reality to the performance of these actors as they portray the Wright Brothers. Turn of the Century 1900 mid western life is a beautiful look into the most innocent period of American history. Hardships endured by The Wrights as they contest established Science of the Smithsonian Society, as well as physical strains of building aircraft on desolate dunes of Kitty Hawk North Carolina.
Where to Watch Orville and Wilbur
Cast of Orville and Wilbur
  • Edward Andrewscast
  • Kathy FryeHarriet
  • David HurstChanute
  • James KeachOrville Wright
  • Stacy KeachWilbur Wright
  • John S. Lawrence IIIPost man
  • Jennie MacleanKatherine
  • G.J. MitchellBishop Wright
  • Irene SchweyerCarrie

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