Natsume's Book of Friends: The Waking Rock and the Strange Visitor

Directed by Hideki Ito
2021    52m
Animation, Drama, Fantasy,
In "Natsume's Book of Friends: The Waking Rock and the Strange Visitor," Natsume encounters the earnest yokai Mitsumi, who seeks help to awaken the divine Gantetsu. Meanwhile, a mysterious visitor befriends Tanuma, but their connection comes at a cost to his health. Emotional bonds deepen as Natsume navigates friendship and yokai mysteries.
Where to Watch Natsume's Book of Friends: The Waking Rock and the Strange Visitor
Cast of Natsume's Book of Friends: The Waking Rock and the Strange Visitor
  • Hiroshi KamiyaTakashi Natsume (voice)
  • Kazuhiko InoueNyanko-sensei, Madara (voice)
  • Kazuma HorieKaname Tanuma (voice)
  • Takaya KurodaMisuzu (voice)
  • Akemi OkamuraHinoe (voice)
  • ChoChobihige (voice)
  • Hisako KanemotoMitsumi (voice)

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