National Theatre Live: The Other Place

Directed by Alexander Zeldin
2025    90mDrama
Two sisters reunite on the anniversary of the death of their father. Their uncle has remodelled their family home, in an attempt at a fresh start. But one sister’s sudden reappearance threatens to shatter this fragile idyll as she demands justice for the pain she carries.Amid the debris and the new extension, guilt, grief and greed battle it out in the family’s competing dreams of their future. When we are faced with the suffering of others, even those closest to us, can we look away?

Where to Watch National Theatre Live: The Other Place

Cast of National Theatre Live: The Other Place

  • Emma D'ArcyAnnie
  • Alison OliverIssy
  • Tobias MenziesChris
  • Nina SosanyaErica
  • Lee BraithwaiteLeni
  • Jerry KillickTerry



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