Nach drüben-Oststars wechseln die Seiten
Directed by Tom Franke and Michael Rauhut2019 43mDocumentary, Music
Focuses on three artists who turned their backs on East Germany/GDR. The singer Veronika Fischer (*1951) commuted between the two parts of Germany on a permanent visa until she decided to leave for the West in 1981. Reiner Schöne (*1942), singer, actor and musical star, fled to West Berlin in 1968 and later moved to the USA, where he began an international film career. Dietrich Kessler's (*1946) Gruppe Magdeburg submitted a collective application to leave the country in 1981 because they had been sidelined by the media and no longer saw a future in the GDR. The band leader was imprisoned and finally bought out by the Federal Republic of Germany in 1984.