Mercure, a famous robber admired or feared by Parisian high society, is in fact a woman and is about to pull off a masterstroke by stealing a set of jewels that belonged to Empress Eugénie on the night it is displayed at the Louvre Museum.
Where to Watch Mystery at the Louvre Museum
Cast of Mystery at the Louvre Museum
Alice TaglioniConstance de Coulanges
Philippe TorretonThenard
Cyril DescoursFrédéric Delage
Nicolas MariéAlfred de Longeville
Andy GilletPierre Gamblin
Alice de Germay de CirfontaineLulu
Michaël Vander-MeirenMarcel
Charlie BeaufilsGavroche
Guillaume BouchèdePaul Verlaine
Érik StouvenakerJoris Karl Huysmans
Manu JouclaDuc de Morsauf
Emmanuelle BarrouyerLe Marquis
Emmanuel BarrouyerLe Marquis
Raphael Magnaboscol'employé
Emmanuel BodinLe valet
Claudine AcsLa Baronne
Thierry NenezLe cordonnier
Dominique BastienPolicier 1
Paul de MontfortPolicier 2
Xavier PottierLe bonimenteur
Jeff DiasMaton 1
Arnaud CassandMaton 2
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