The story involves a soldier, Georges Dormond, who seduces Germaine de Boismesnil and is subsequently driven out of the army by one of Germaine's friends who is a colonel.
Where to Watch Mont-Dragon
Cast of Mont-Dragon
Carole AndréMarthe de Boismenil
Jacques BrelGeorges Dormond - un aspirant dégradé
Catherine RouvelPierette
Françoise PrévostLa comtesse Germaine de Boismenil
Paul Le PersonGaston
Pascal MazzottiArmand Dubois - un entomologiste
Yves Brainville(voice)
Pippo MerisiLe marchand de vins
Gérard BernardMichel
Maria MichiHortense Dubois - la femme d'Armand
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