Mobile Suit Gundam SEED: Special Edition II - The Far-Away Dawn

Directed by Mitsuo Fukuda
2004    1h 35m    PG-13
As war rages on, former allies Kira and Athrun find themselves on opposite fronts, igniting a fierce conflict. As Athrun’s ZAFT forces aim for a decisive victory, their clash will reshape destinies and test the bonds of friendship amidst chaos.
Where to Watch Mobile Suit Gundam SEED: Special Edition II - The Far-Away Dawn
Cast of Mobile Suit Gundam SEED: Special Edition II - The Far-Away Dawn
  • Akira IshidaAthrun Zala (voice)
  • Rie TanakaLacus Clyne (voice)
  • Soichiro HoshiKira Yamato (voice)
  • Naomi ShindoEileen Canaver (voice)

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