Min smukke nabo

Directed by Amir Rezazadeh
In a modern city people live side by side but still in completely different worlds. Anis is a young immigrant girl who isolates herself in her room. In a well-lit living room across the yard, a young blonde girl plays her cello every night. Anis is fascinated by the girl with the cello, and one night Anis calls her and asks her to play, so she can hear the music over the phone.

Where to Watch Min smukke nabo

Cast of Min smukke nabo

  • Ghazal PakzadAnis
  • Beate BilleLouise
  • Siham AlwanAnis mor
  • Kadhim FarajAnis far
  • Nico WillkinsLillebror
  • Lai YdeLouises kæreste
  • Rigmor BredsdorffDame med hund
  • Jimmi RasmussenKontormand



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