
Directed by Mauro Bolognini
1970    1h 47mDrama, History
Metello struggles to escape from the poverty that led to the premature death of his parents, and that is the lot of the working class in northern Italy during the second half of the 19th century. Metello fights his way out from his condition through hard work, a determined will to resist oppression inherited from his father, but also by taking advantage of his good looks when dealing with women. Metello progressively assumes an important role in the organization of an emerging workers movement, and attempts to conciliate his risky political activities with his private life.

Where to Watch Metello

Cast of Metello

  • Massimo RanieriMetello Salani
  • Ottavia PiccoloErsilia
  • Frank WolffBetto
  • Tina AumontIdina
  • Lucia BosèViola
  • Pino ColizziRenzoli
  • Mariano RigilloOlindo Tinai
  • Luigi DibertiLippi
  • Manuela AndreiAdele Salani
  • Corrado GaipaBadolati
  • Adolfo GeriDel Bueno
  • Claudio BiavaMoretti
  • Franco BalducciChellini
  • Steffen ZachariasPallesi
  • Sergio Ciulli
  • Luigi Antonio Guerra
  • Piero Morgia



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