Maria do Caritó

Directed by João Paulo Jabur
2019    1h 34mComedy, Romance,
Maria, a virgin spinster, is trying magical superstitions to find a husband. In her dialogue with the marriage saint, she implores for a companion. Her father offered her as a bride to Saint Djalminha, if the saint saved her during her complicated birth which ended in the death of her mother. Since then Maria has lived this dilemma: revered and loved by the residents and pilgrims that believe she is a miracle worker; she is desperate to live a great love, with a flesh and blood prospect with real passionate desire. She asks for a sign from the heavens, a clue on how to find a crumb of love when a gypsy arrives on scene saying "someone who loves her very much, but she doesn't know will come from afar on an artists' caravan." Maria can't take the solitude she is living anymore and decides "to find Mr. Right," no matter how much it may cost.

Where to Watch Maria do Caritó

Cast of Maria do Caritó

  • Lília CabralMaria do Caritó
  • Juliana Carneiro da CunhaTeodora
  • Alice AssefNoiva ex-defunta
  • Larissa BracherCigana
  • Kelzy EcardFininha
  • Fernando NevesMonsenhor
  • Leopoldo PachecoCoronel
  • Fernando SampaioFonsequinha
  • Priscila SteinmanIngênua
  • Gustavo VazAnatoli
  • Sylvio ZilberPai



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