Love in Mauritius

Directed by Jérémy Minui
2020    90mComedy, Romance,
Doria lives in Paris with Alexis and their daughter Alba.Today Doria has gone to her job and her boss doesn't want to give her the duty of the promotion of a new product.In the night there is her birthday party, all friends have come.Suddenly a call from her Jeanne who lives in Mauritius and who tells her that she will open a yoga center.After the party she begins to think and decides to travel to Mauritius, her husband has too much work and will not accompany her.She arrives at Mauritius, Vincent, the chauffeur of Jeanne looks for her at the airport and soon she is at the house of Jeanne.On the next day Jeanne wants to show Doria where she will build her yoga center.Doria is quite angry because of the ideas of her mother and leaves her immediately.Doria gets lost in a forest, she falls in a slope, begins to shout.A young man ,Theo, listened to her and found her very scared.Then Theo presents her his friend Max and young men and women who invite her to spend the evening with them.

Where to Watch Love in Mauritius

Cast of Love in Mauritius

  • Hélène de FougerollesDoria Cabrol
  • Loyan Pons de VierThéo
  • Arielle DombasleJeanne Cabrol
  • Marysole FertardAlba Cabrol
  • Terence TelleMax
  • Alicia AlonsoMylène
  • Benjamin EgnerAlexis
  • Catherine BenguiguiMuriel
  • Philippe BourdaisPaul
  • François PeracheVladimir
  • Norah LehembreEve
  • Isnard MarcioArii
  • Jean-Claude CatheyaVincent
  • Neha OleemohamedLucie
  • Fabrice ChaperonMédecin
  • Virginie TalbotierHôtesse de l'air



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