
Directed by Nils Willbrandt
2015    90mComedy, Drama,
Leberkäseland "tells the story of an atypical integration that begins in the 1960s: the Maleks come to Germany not as guest workers but as a family of dentists: reactionary teachers, down-to-earth neighbors and all-around pop music - only Leberkäse is a pleasing discovery. Latife Malek is a professor of mathematics, confessing Kemalist and women's rights activist, as well as wife and mother. Living it all at the same time is difficult even for a strong woman like her. Her life story and strokes of fate have made her hard.
Where to Watch Leberkäseland
Cast of Leberkäseland
  • Neda RahmanianLatife
  • Murathan MusluBurhan
  • Katja StudtMrs. Breuer
  • Felix KlareMr. Breuer
  • Johannes ZirnerProfessor Martin
  • Hasan Ali MeteGrossvater Orhan
  • Navid NavidAhmet

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