
Directed by Lluís Danés
2016    84mDrama
"Laia" is located in the imaginary village of Sinera, a fishing village inhabited by a series of extreme characters, indiscriminately diverted to the adversities of destiny. There, Laia lives, a woman marked by a miserable and unhappy childhood, that is debated between her cruel husband and lover who is his best friend and faces the hatred of a whole town while dreaming of a freedom that only the sea can grant.
Cast of Laia
  • Miranda GasLaia
  • Ivan BenetQuelot
  • Roger CasamajorEsteve
  • Miquel FernándezAnton
  • Vicky PeñaMare Laia
  • Montserrat CarullaFragata
  • Anna CasasPaulina
  • David Martín SurrocaPescador del siglo XIX
  • Claudia BenitoAnneta
  • Joan CrosasFenoses
  • Jacob TorresQuim
  • Boris RuizEndalet
  • Pep SaisSagristà Ventura
  • Pep CruzMossèn Gaspar
  • Anna GüellCaterina
  • Itziar CastroCoixa Fita
  • Tilda EsplugaNarcisa Mus

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