Teens head out into the woods to find a crashed meteorite and instead come across the survivor of a massacre and its perpetrator, the killer in the woods.
Cast of Killer in the Woods
Cassandra YoungJamie
Bradon ReillyMartin
Teala SiroisMelanie
Alexandre GoddardTurner
Anthony DuguayDaryl
Jerome CloutierGeorgie
Lisandre BujoldEmily
Sara ElefterescuCorpse in pit
Laura Cloutier-YoungDead child
Naran LaflammeBillie
Josh BondThe Killer
Mike WalshBen
Catherine Plante-RodrigueCorpse in pit
Pierre-Yves LemieuxScared guy
Jason DezanWayne
Mike AmyotRick
Florence Cloutier-PatteKat
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