Keluarga Tak Kasat Mata

Directed by Hedy Suryawan
2017    77m
In "Keluarga Tak Kasat Mata," a young man's nostalgic tale of his Yogyakarta workplace unfolds when a move to a new building awakens strange occurrences. As he and his colleagues confront supernatural mysteries, the lines between reality and the unseen blur.
Where to Watch Keluarga Tak Kasat Mata
Cast of Keluarga Tak Kasat Mata
  • Aura KasihRere
  • Kemal PaleviBebek
  • Gary IskakMarwan
  • Miller KhanYoga
  • Tio PakusadewoHao
  • Deva MahenraGenta
  • Ganindra BimoRudi
  • Wizzy
  • Dewi Sri

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