Junji Inagawa's Shivering Horror

Directed by Hiroaki Hirakata, Hiroshi Ikezoe, and Eiji Satouchi
2005    1h 32mHorror
First story is "Chainmail" where three friends use a fellow student's death to send a chainmail phone message with unintended results. Next is "Left Behind on the Mountain" where an arrogant guy picks up girls and leaves them on a deserted mountain. However, one girl comes back. Then is "Tattoo", in which a girl gets a tattoo and more than she bargained for. Next comes "Viewfinder's Memory" where three friends visit a beach and meet a familiar, but strange girl. Then is "Guardian Angel" where destitute Yumiko attempts to pay off her debts with her life. Lastly is "Mortuary" where an intern has to deal with a grieving mother in a hospital mortuary.
Where to Watch Junji Inagawa's Shivering Horror
Cast of Junji Inagawa's Shivering Horror
  • Kaori Manabe
  • Marika Matsumoto
  • Hiroya Sugisaki
  • Shin Yazawa

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