Ich leih' dir meinen Mann

Directed by Gabi Kubach
2003    90mComedy, Drama,
Christine Keller, successful in her job, but still single, cherishes the desire for a child. But she abandoned the search for the right father frustrated. She would prefer to have a child without husband. Isa, her best friend since her youth, would be too happy to help. Fabian, Isa's partner, is to be "loaned" to the girlfriend. The friendship service has unexpected consequences.

Where to Watch Ich leih' dir meinen Mann

Cast of Ich leih' dir meinen Mann

  • Ursula BuschhornChristine Keller
  • Heio von StettenFabian Brandt
  • Floriane DanielIsa Freytag
  • Miroslav NemecErik Jochimsen
  • Ursula KarusseitLuise Keller
  • Leo NatalisOskar
  • Felix KlareSiggi



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