His Priceless Treasure
Directed by Allen CurtisThe Palace Hotel, at Loneliville, is in a bad way financially, and poor Fritz, the janitor, is worn out as doing duty as bell boy, janitor and clerk. Percy Fritz Noodle arrives in Loneliville and puts up at the Palace. Ere he even sees his room, he entrusts to the manager a small, mysterious box, which Percy impressively tells him is worth a million to him. Fritz gets this information, and a plot to rob the safe of this priceless treasure enters his head. Securing the cook as an accomplice, he later robs the safe and gets away. The manager, horror-stricken, and Percy on the verge of hysterics, call up the scientific detective Isador Cohn, and through him the guilty pair are traced by scientific methods. Cohn. at a loss where to find them, is inspired by the sight of three toy balloons in the hands of a street vendor, to watch the pawn shop. He does so and intercepts the thugs as the pawnbroker opens the precious box. With a cry of joy Percy seizes the box, pulls therefrom a curly lock of hair, which he clasps with a fervent "her's." The indignation of the crowd torn on the hopeless Percy and he is unceremoniously kicked out, still clasping his priceless treasure.