Hawkins Moves

1912    11mShort, Comedy
The Hawkins family learn that they have to move. Mr. and Mrs. Hawkins find and rent a suitable dwelling. Moving day arrives, the van is packed and Mrs. Hawkins goes ahead leaving Hawkins to follow the van and see to its safe arrival. It is a warm day. Bill and Jim, two typical moving men, suggest to Hawkins the advisability of quenching a consuming thirst. Hawkins though not a drinker thinks their request reasonable and agrees. They stop at the first saloon and Hawkins for the first time experiences the reviving effects of the foaming fluid. The company of Bill and Jim is congenial, and they linger. Leaving with the wagon some time later several stops are made. The stops have had their effects. Hawkins loses his bearings and several hours are consumed hunting for the new home. Now after hours of weary waiting Mrs. Hawkins finds Hawkins with the furniture back in the house he originally moved from, and how she with masterly skill takes charge of the situation contributes to the fun in this comedy.

Where to Watch Hawkins Moves

Cast of Hawkins Moves

  • Joseph BurkeHenry Hawkins
  • Katherine GriffithMrs. Henry Hawkins



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