Get to know the major power players in Season 2 of 'Game of Thrones' with these seven profiles, including Renly and Stannis Baratheon, Robb Stark, Theon Greyjoy and more.
Where to Watch Game of Thrones: Season 2 - Character Profiles
Cast of Game of Thrones: Season 2 - Character Profiles
Alfie AllenTheon Greyjoy
Gethin AnthonyRenly Baratheon
John BradleySamwell Tarly
Emilia ClarkeSelf
James CosmoJeor Mormont
Liam CunninghamDavos Seaworth
Charles DanceTywin Lannister
Stephen DillaneStannis Baratheon
Peter DinklageTyrion Lannister
Natalie DormerSelf
Michelle FairleyCatelyn Stark
Jack GleesonJoffrey Baratheon
Iain GlenJorah Mormont
Kit HaringtonSelf
Lena HeadeyCersei Lannister
Finn JonesLoras Tyrell
Kerr LoganMatthos Seaworth
Richard MaddenRobb Stark
Patrick MalahideBalon Greyjoy
Roxanne McKeeDoreah
Robert PughCraster
Mark StanleySelf
Sophie TurnerSelf
Carice van HoutenMelisandre
Gemma WhelanYara Greyjoy
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