Furyo shonen no yume

Directed by Junji Hanado
In Hokkaido's Beiyou Yushi High, troubled teens find hope. As they grapple with their demons, they forge bonds and rediscover their dreams. This poignant tale reveals how resilience and camaraderie can shape futures, even from the depths of despair.
Where to Watch Furyo shonen no yume
Cast of Furyo shonen no yume
  • Anri Bancast
  • Dendencast
  • Ryuji KatagiriSusumu Sako
  • Kenichi Matsuyamacast
  • Kyoko Mayacast
  • Takeiji Mutocast
  • Kazuki Namiokacast
  • Terumi Nikicast
  • Masahiko Nishimuracast

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