The daughter of a pioneer family, left an orphan at a tender age, is adopted by the Indians and, when grown, marries one of their number, the son of Chief White Horse. When their boy is four years of age the Indian husband dies. The young widow meets Dr. Bob Ray, a frontier practitioner, who, smitten by her charms, proposes marriage. Chief White Horse allows her to go, but will not let her take her baby. The wife fears to tell her doctor-husband of her child, and keeps the knowledge from him, but not for long. The boy is taken sick and Dr. Ray is called. The mother cannot resist the desire to see her child, and, risking all, follows her husband. The baby calls her the most wonderful name of all. Tho doctor, auspicious of the deceit, renounces his wife to the Indians, but in leaving the country meets with a bandit and is wounded. He is found by White Horse and the latter's grandchild, and upon learning the truth of his wife's former marriage, there is a reconciliation that ends a story in which tense situations are constantly developing and the heart throbs many, many times.