Gurley, one of the country's best drivers of racing automobiles, possessed many fine qualities, but liked "a good time with the boys." His wife, an invalid, was confined to her home, and often pleaded with him to stay home with her. Gurley cared for her, but in his thoughtlessness neglected her. Mrs. Gurley's health rapidly grew worse, and the family physician told the alarmed husband that only an operation by a high-priced surgeon could save her life. Gurley had not been saving the necessary money but he secured enough to pay for a room at the hospital and rushed his wife there for the operation. He gave up his gay comrades and strove valiantly to save his money. His friends resented his attitude and he quarreled with Hanley, a man of high temper. A fight ensued and the racing man struck his opponent to the ground, where he lay unconscious. Seeing that Hanley was seriously hurt, Gurley's friends induced him to flee, but when he realized what it would mean to his wife if he became a fugitive he decided to risk arrest. For his employer had promised him a large sum of money if he won the Santa Monica road race, and he resolved to elude the police until he could win the prize and deliver it to his wife. Fortune was with him. Hanley was unconscious and did not recover until the race had started. Hanley regained his senses soon afterwards and told the attending physician that Gurley was his assailant. The police were informed and an officer dispatched to arrest him. Meanwhile the chauffeur, harassed by impending arrest and the fear that his wife, who was to be operated upon that day, might have died, raced around the course at terrific speed to victory. At the end of the day Gurley received the promised reward from his employer, and as he had expected, was immediately placed under arrest. He was taken to Hanley's bedside, but Hanley had experienced a change of heart and exonerated him. Freed from the fear of punishment for his hasty act, Gurley hastened to his wife's bedside to learn that the operation had been a complete success and that her health would be better than it had ever been.