Flaming Gold
Directed by Ralph InceThe owners of World Wide Oil Company in New York City wires its field manager in Mexico to put a couple of wildcat independent drillers out of business. The manager puts one of his own wells on fire, hoping it will explode and burns out the intruders, but the wind shifts and World Wide's wells in the field are menaced. Dan Manton and Ben Lear are said to be the only men who can put out the flames, but they refuse World Wide's &5,000 offer to do so as they are miffed at the company for exploding their own single-shaft well. That wins the approval of saloon-keeper Tampico Tess Terrell who sends Dan and Ben to New York City to gets funds to re-start their drilling operation.There, Bill Conway, and old friend, stakes them and also provides Dan with a party girl that he marries. That causes complications galore.