Fighters of the Plains
Directed by Milton J. FahrneyAs John and Mary and their little daughter, Doris, were crossing the plains, they were seen by Blue Mountain, brother of Chief Little Bear, and as the game had nearly all left that part of the country on account of the dry season, the Indians were hungry and here was a chance to get food. Accordingly, Blue Mountain, with a few braves, attacked the prairie schooner, but so gallantly did John, Mary and their friends defend their little store of supplies that the Indians were forced to retire, not, however, until they had lost two or three and Blue Mountain, who had climbed into the wagon had been severely wounded and carried away in the wagon. At the cabin, which Bert had gone ahead to prepare, Blue Mountain was discovered, but Doris pleaded so earnestly for his life that they took him inside, dressed his wounds and kept him in the cabin until he was able to return to his tribe. In the meanwhile, he and Doris had become fast friends indeed when the brave returned after giving the child a necklace, which he had made himself. Doris watching until her mother was away, slipped out and attempted to follow the Indian. Instead, she met a number of braves out hunting, and they recognizing the necklace, believed that Blue Mountain had been killed by the whites. Lone Eagle took the child to the camp, while the others hastened to the settler's cabin, took what supplies they could find and burned it to the ground. At the camp. Chief Little Bear would not allow them to harm the child, and right glad was he when Blue Mountain arrived to tell the kindness of the whites. Blue Mountain insists upon returning the child to her parents, but when he reaches the cabin of the whites, however, he finds the place in ashes, and the mother and the father had already left that part of the country. Believing Doris to have been burned in the cabin, Blue Mountain returns her to the tribe, where she is adopted and rapidly grows into womanhood. Twelve years pass. Blue Mountain has become chief upon the death of his brother, and now strongly favors a match between Doris and his nephew, White Hawk. Doris, however, loves Jack Seaton, who lives on a ranch near where the tribe are now camping, and refuses to marry White Hawk. He becomes suspicious of here and follows, sees her meet Jack and waylays Jack on his way back to the ranch. A fight takes place between White Hawk and Jack, ending in the death of White Hawk. As soon as Blue Mountain learns this, he holds a war dance and starts for the settlers, but having been advised of his approach the settlers are prepared and win a decided victory, resulting in the death of Blue Mountain, not, however, until he has recognized Mary and John and told them that Doris is their daughter.