Felix the Cat: The Movie

Directed by Tibor Hernádi
1988    82m    G
Animation, Family,
In a whimsical realm, Felix the Cat embarks on a daring quest to rescue the kidnapped Princess Oriana from the evil Duke of Zill, whose geometric goons threaten to reshape reality. Armed with his magical bag of tricks, Felix must outsmart the villain to restore harmony.
Where to Watch Felix the Cat: The Movie
Cast of Felix the Cat: The Movie
  • Chris PhillipsThe Professor / Grumper (voice)
  • Marbry StewardPrincess Oriana (voice)
  • Peter NewmanThe Duke of Zill / Wack Lizardi (voice)
  • Alice PlaytenMadam Pearl / Poindexter (voice)
  • Susan Montanaro(voice)
  • Don OrioloCreature (voice)
  • Christian Schneider(voice)
  • David KolinFelix the Cat (voice)
  • Michael Fremer(voice)

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