Discovering Deerpath
Directed by Jeremy RichterDiscovering Deerpath is a historical documentary about the town of Lake Forest, Illinois. Located 30 miles north of Chicago, the town of Lake Forest and its citizens have made an amazing mark on the nation and the world over the past 150 years. From the town's inception, Lake Forest has earned a reputation for its solid educational, philanthropic and preservation efforts. These efforts have led to a vibrant community that celebrates its town through a variety of traditional and unique special events. Through a serious of amazing brushes with local and globally significant events, the dramatic power of community is demonstrated throughout the film. Lake Forest has been referred to by some as the Forrest Gump of communities. Events and figures covered in the film are directly related to the town and it citizens include the Underground Railroad, the death of the first Union Officer in the Civil War, the election of Abraham Lincoln, the first transcontinental flight of Cal Rodgers, the story of J. Ogden Armour (the world's second richest man for over two decades), a visit by the Prince of Wales (who relinquished his throne to marry Lake Forester Wallis Simpson), the famous Rosenthal photo on Iwo Jima and the amazing story of Jim Lovell, member of the first crew to orbit the moon. Interwoven throughout each of these unique stories is the dramatic effect of community and the heights to which the human spirit can aspire to when backed by such a powerful and positive presence.