
Directed by Raju Desai and Master Bittoo
2015    2h 16mComedy
Lala is a lazy village lad while searching for his certificate he finds and old Dholki and starts playing the instrument like a maestro.Lala gets a job as a peon at the village school but due to his past cant sustain the job for more than a day, his new passion of Dholki surprises the villagers but makes his mother worried as his father had gone missing due to this passion and the village Sarpanch and Patil were involved in it.

Cast of Dholki

  • Prakash Bhagwatcast
  • Jaiwant Bhaleraocast
  • Jyoti Chandekarcast
  • Nandkishor Chaughulecast
  • Siddharth JadhavLala
  • Kashmira Kulkarnicast
  • Sanjay Kulkarnicast
  • Manasi Naikcast
  • Pradeep Nawalecast
  • Vijay Nikamcast
  • Sayaji ShindePatil
  • Varsha Tandalecast
  • Vilas UjawaneVillage Priest
  • Vandana Vokniscast



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