There are three sides to every story. For the first time captains and crews open up about the death-defying season that nearly took one of the fleet's most respected captains.
Where to Watch Deadliest Catch: Legends Born & Broken
Cast of Deadliest Catch: Legends Born & Broken
Mike RoweSelf - Narrator
Sean DwyerSelf - Captain: Brenna A
Jenny DwyerSelf - Boat Owner: Brenna A
Sig HansenSelf - Captain: Northwestern
Britt JandreySelf - Deckhand: Brenna A
Jake AndersonSelf - Captain: Saga
Edgar HansenSelf - Relief Skipper & Deck Boss: Northwestern
Nick MavarSelf - Deckhand: Northwestern
Jonathan HillstrandSelf - Captain: Time Bandit
Bill "Wild Bill" WichrowskiSelf - Captain: Cape Caution