Christ in You: The Movie

Directed by Phil Arber
2017    1h 44m
We owe the world an encounter with God. This movie features a fascinating discovery and a hard look at what holds us back from bringing hope, healing and deliverance to our environment. Amazing interviews from the heroes of the faith of today and on the street demonstrations by ordinary Christians will teach you how you can step out, overcome your fear and use your God-given gift to change the lives of the people around you. Christ in You - The Movie presents an inspiring and challenging vision that could change the course of world history.
Where to Watch Christ in You: The Movie
Cast of Christ in You: The Movie
  • Heidi BakerSelf
  • Randy ClarkSelf
  • Daniel KolendaSelf
  • Kris VallottonSelf
  • Bill JohnsonSelf - Minister

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