Chappie, a clever young crook released from prison, earnestly resolves to live right. Returning to the city he seeks his old "pal" and sweetheart, "The Fairy," and finds that she, too, has reformed and is working in a small jewelry shop. His joy at this discovery is turned to sorrow upon learning that she is to marry her employer, but he bravely gives her up. Chappie's old gang is still operating in defiance of the police, and the chief of detectives decides to make Chappie go back to his old associates, win their confidence and betray them. When Chappie refuses to do this, the police begin a series of persecutions that will force him to do their bidding. He is hounded about; they won't let him hold any job, "put his landlord wise" and keep him moving, and refuses to allow him on the streets at night. Unable to get work, penniless, hopeless and homeless, his condition grows desperate. Then the shop where "The Fairy" works is robbed. Without searching for any clues they arrest Chappie. He stoutly asserts his innocence even through a brutal "sweating," but when they find a photo of the "Fairy" in his pocket, they threaten to arrest her as his accomplice. He, although innocent, agrees to confess to the crime if they will not molest her. The jeweler going to headquarters accidentally sees the photo and learns of the "Fairy's" past life. Returning to the shop, he bitterly denounces her and refuses to have anything more to do with her. In the meantime a wealthy Mr. Brown discovers that his chauffeur is the thief and has him arrested. The thief confesses and clears Chappie and in the presence of all the interested parties the story is unfolded. Brown sympathizes with Chappie, offers him employment and dares the police to persecute him further. And "The Fairy," ignoring the now repentant jeweler, with a heart full of love and gratitude, gives herself to the faithful Chappie.
Where to Watch Chappie's Code
Cast of Chappie's Code