Cedarmont Kids Silly Songs
1995Silly is the fifth album in the Cedarmont Kids classics series from July 6, 1993 and the second video released in 1995. It contains 18 classic kids songs with a few Christian kids songs. Do Your Ears Hang Low?; The Wise Man and the Foolish Man; Rocka My Soul; Skinnymarinky Dinky Dink; Dry Bones; Polly Wolly Doodle; Who Did (Swallow Jonah); Fingers, Nose and Toes; Michael Finnegan; The Bear Went Over the Mountain; Oh, You Can't Get to Heaven; S-M-I-L-E; Who Built the Ark?; Bingo; I Got Shoes; John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt; Looby Loo; There's a Hole in the Bucket