Bread Cast Upon the Waters

Directed by Thomas H. Ince
1913    22mShort, Drama
Col. Hamilton takes pathetic leave of his daughter, Edna, and his young son, James, and goes to the front to fight for the Southern cause. The opposing armies are seen in thrilling battles. One day Capt. Blake receives orders to go on a foraging expedition, and arrives at the Hamilton home. The soldiers make short work of the chicken coop, Don, little Jimmie's pet horse, is taken. The old Negro servant puts up a stubborn fight to save his young master's pet, but is knocked down by a soldier. Further punishment Is prevented by Capt. Blake, who arrives upon the scene. Jimmie rushes to the captain and begs and pleads for his horse. The tenderhearted young officer is touched by the tears and grief of the boy, and finally gives him back the animal. Edna sees Capt. Blake about to take a drink at the well and, nerved by her hatred of the North, rushes out and dashes the shell from his hands. Amused by the little spitfire, Blake solemnly bows and says: "In the North our men are gentlemen, and the women, ladies," and walks away, Edna, ashamed of her conduct, battles with her emotions for a few moments, and calls the Captain back, offering him a drink with her own fair hands. After his departure, Edna learns of his kindness in saving Jimmie's horse, and the captain did not suspect the impression he had made on her heart. Some time later the Union Army is in desperate straits, being attacked by a heavy force. The troops tight against tremendous odds, refusing to surrender, and Capt. Blake volunteers to pierce the enemy's lines and deliver a message to the Union general commanding the other wing to come to the rescue by consolidating the forces. Blake makes a thrilling ride, pursued by Confederate soldiers, who shoot his horse and wound him. Weak and staggering, he finds himself near the Hamilton home and drags himself to the door, Edna and Jimmie do everything in their power to make him comfortable, and he is saved from capture by a clever trick, blacking his face and hands and putting him in the Negro quarters. The pursuing soldiers are told by old Mammy that he is her son who has been shot by the man they are searching for. The booming cannon in the distance greatly distress Blake, who realizes the predicament of his comrades. In desperation, he asks Jimmie to do him a favor and makes him promise on his word of honor not to tell any one. The grateful boy is staggered by the request Jim makes, of riding to the Northern general with the message, and refuses at first, but in splendid dissolving scenes visions of his pet being restored to him are seen, and he agrees. The boy makes a daring ride, and the Union forces are saved. The Confederates are driven back through the town, and Col. Hamilton, to save himself from capture runs into the Negro cabin, where he is astounded to find his daughter and a Northern officer. In an instant his gun is in his hand, but he is stopped by Edna, who explains the situation. The pursuing Northern soldiers arrive at the door and Blake hides Hamilton behind the bed, and informs the soldiers that no one is there. He rejoins his command, and rides away. After the war is over Blake comes back to the Hamilton home and is joyfully received by Edna.

Where to Watch Bread Cast Upon the Waters

Cast of Bread Cast Upon the Waters

  • Charles RayLt. Stone
  • Hazel BuckhamEdna Hamilton - the Colonel's Daughter
  • Cyril GardnerJames Hamilton - the Colonel's Son
  • William Desmond Taylorcast



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