Boy Wanted
Directed by C.J. WilliamsWhen a cradle arrived at the Powell's house one morning, Bobbie was deeply interested. Bobbie was six years old. The nurse and his father assured him that the cradle was not for him, and told him the beautiful old story about the stork who brings little children to deserving homes. Bobbie was much impressed. He wanted a brother, and he intended to have one. That afternoon while walking down town with his nurse, Bobbie observed a sign, "Boy Wanted," in the window of a store. Bobbie went home, inveigled some money out of his father, returned to the shop and bought the "Boy Wanted" sign. That night he slipped out of his room and nailed the sign securely to a post on the front porch. Next morning Bobbie was not at all surprised when they informed him that he had a baby brother. He inspected the infant carefully when it was shown to him. He informed his astonished father that he was responsible for the baby being a boy and led him out to see the sign. They arrived on the front porch just in time to assure an early applicant for the position that no more boys were wanted just at present.