Bob Buys an Auto
Directed by Joseph W. SmileyBob Thompson is induced by Clarence Dickson to buy an auto, and, after looking at many different makes and kinds, finally gets one that he thinks will suit him. The family immediately decides to take a trip to the seashore and look forward to a very enjoyable day. Bob's daughter, Vivian, her sweetheart, Clarence, Kemp Thompson and his friend John, make up the party. All goes well for a few miles when suddenly the car stops, something is wrong. Vivian discovers that they have no gasoline. Being far out in the country, where gasoline cannot be obtained, they are in a bad fix. The men leave Vivian in the car, and tying a rope to the machine, proceed to haul it until they can find a garage. Though slow, they are getting along all right until going down a hill Vivian, who is at the wheel, runs the car into a wall and smashes it. By this time all are pretty well worn out and disgusted. Bob gets sore and declares he will pull no further, and he walks off, followed by the rest. Finally, after a long hike, they reach home and Bob falls exhausted into a chair, Kemp, John and Clarence come in and try to console him, but Bob chases them out and they beat it very lively, swearing "Never again."