Blackest Darkness

Directed by Adam Hulin
2024    75mDrama, Horror
When a desperate man toils to to get home in time for his wife's birthday, he's gets sidetracked by Lou and Tony, who mistake him for the drill-man of a bank heist. This motley group's bizarre and illegal activities result in a strange lawman nipping at their heels. As time grows short and threatens to make him miss his wife's special day, he feels trapped by the wages of his own sin.
Where to Watch Blackest Darkness
Cast of Blackest Darkness
  • Aaron DunlapDrillman
  • Michael D. AcostaThe Clown
  • Carl J GrassoLou
  • Greg HolcombeSkinny Bill
  • Anthony G. MarshallTony
  • Lee DarnellThe Barber
  • Rob SteinbergParson Brown
  • Jessica BlausteinDiane
  • Larry E. EvansThe Boss

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