Between Orton Junction and Fallonville
Directed by Charles M. SeayEdward Burke and Jim Mercer were suitors for the hand of Edna Merrill. She liked Edward because he was breezy and full of life and the night he proposed she accepted him on the spot. Jim, on the other hand, was slow, old-fashioned and pokey. Just a station agent, the kind who would be at the same job all his life. Edward was an engineer on the same line, young and ambitious; the kind of a fellow who would appeal to Edna. This story really begins when Ed. Burke starts from the round-house on his daily run with local fifty-one. He reaches the station where Jim is agent and passes through. Then Jim heard the ticker calling frantically. It was from Orton Junction. The agent there frantically appealed to him for help. He had allowed a special freight to pass, having forgotten the orders to hold her up and give number fifty-one the right of way. Jim was terror-stricken. He flashed back to Orton Junction that number fifty-one had left his station, Fallonville, just four minutes before and that he could do nothing. Back flashes the Orton Junction agent: "Freight and No. 51 will meet at Smith's Crossing. For God's sake do something." Jim could do nothing. It wasn't his fault if Burke was killed. He hadn't made the mistake. It would give him a chance to win the girl. Then he realized all that the girl had meant to Edward. He saw in his mind's eye the trains coming together, the frightful crash, the mutilated bodies and the accusing finger of Edna. Yes, he could and would do something. Rushing like a madman to a grocery store in the village he telephoned to Edna telling her of the impending collision and to ride her horse. Rosy, like the wind to Smith's Crossing and stop the first train she saw coming in either direction. Now the great race for life is on. The trains are seen approaching. Edna is seen galloping nearer and nearer. Will she be in time? Now she reaches the track and places her horse across it, waves her hand frantically to the on-rushing train. It stops within four feet of her and she turns and riding on, stops the other. Burke's surprise when he runs forward and finds who has saved him is a thing to see in the picture. They all return to Fallonville and Jim, a real hero, is thanked by his rival. He takes Edna's hand and Edward's and tells them that he did it for her.
Where to Watch Between Orton Junction and Fallonville
Cast of Between Orton Junction and Fallonville