It Was Always So Nice with You

Directed by Hans Wolff
1954    90mComedy, Drama,
While working as accountant in his uncle's factory, talented young pianist Peter dreams of becoming a famous composer. When he shows his work to a producer, he manages to convince him to give him a chance. From time to time he gets bigger contracts that keep him more and more away from home and his young wife Elisa. When he "discovers" and supports a pretty ballerina in Munich, a rumor starts that he's having an affair. He fails to realize that his marriage is threatened.

Where to Watch It Was Always So Nice with You

Cast of It Was Always So Nice with You

  • Heinz DrachePeter Martens
  • Georg ThomallaKarl Holler
  • Grethe WeiserTante Martha
  • Albrecht SchoenhalsVerleger Conrads
  • Carsta LöckSekretärin
  • Willi ForstRegisseur
  • Kirsten HeibergSängerin
  • Margot HielscherRevuestar
  • Zarah LeanderFilmstar
  • Sonja ZiemannBalletttänzerin
  • Eddi ArentPeters Begleiter
  • Willy MaertensHannemann - Elisabeths Vater
  • Helmuth Rudolph2. Regisseur



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