Bayan bool

Directed by Dashzeveg Munkhbat
2023    2h 6mComedy
Damiran is a spoiled son of rich parents who does not know the word "no". He is sure that money can solve any problem, and does not think about his future at all. Damiran's father is tired of his son's behavior and decides to teach the boy a lesson, so he arranges a test for him. One day, Damiran wakes up in a Mongolian village and learns that he has been transported back in time. Now he is a poor peasant who must work for the good of society. The rich man will have to change his habits and learn humility in order not to die of hunger.

Where to Watch Bayan bool

Cast of Bayan bool

  • Byambyn Ariuntsetsegcast
  • Togtokhbayaryn Badamjavcast
  • Nomin Batbayarcast
  • Baastyn Batmendcast
  • Khuselbaataryn BayarmaaSundjida Akhaitan
  • Shadavyn Dorjsurencast
  • Khalzangiin Gankhuyagcast
  • Naranbaatar Mandakhcast
  • Yelziitogoogiin Myenkh-Erdenecast
  • Gansukhiin Naransolongocast
  • Sergelengiin TemuujinDamiran
  • Dovdongiin Tuvshintyercast
  • Tsogtbayar Urantsogtcast



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