At Cross Purposes

Directed by Norval MacGregor
1914    6mShort, Comedy,
Richard Holden, a well-known athlete and club man, is much impressed by the latest novel of Katherine Lewis, so much so that he writes to her, asking her for a photograph. This distinguished lady is bored with a flood of letters from unknown admirers, but she immediately recognizes Holden as the captain of a fashionable polo team (having seen his picture in the newspapers), and decides in a spirit of mischief, to respond. She mails him a photograph of her maid, Jane Binns, a homely spinster of uncertain age, and signs her own name on the picture. When Holden receives this photograph his interest in Katherine Lewis ceases instantly. Later, by chance, they happen to be guests at the same hotel. In the interim Jane Binns' face gives Holden a pain every time he thinks of it, but the frolicsome author, in order to keep up the illusion, insists upon Jane impersonating herself while she assumes the position of the maid. They meet from time to time, and one day are chased by a vicious bulldog and are obliged to climb a tree to escape his affections. This tree is only a few feet from a well and Holden conceives the happy idea of taking off his coat, and dangling the sleeve down in the muzzle of the infuriated growler. When the dog fastens on the coat, he swings him clear off the ground like a pendulum and drops him into the well. Later, the owner of the dog rescues him, but as Katherine and Holden are walking back to the hotel, they meet honest Jane Binns, who tells him the truth and refuses to continue the deception longer. Holden does not appear to be bothered a bit about the revelation, but likes it.

Where to Watch At Cross Purposes

Cast of At Cross Purposes

  • Tom SantschiRichard Holden
  • Adele LaneJane Binns
  • Louise EmmonsKatherine Lewis



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