As Fate Wills

1913    11mShort, Drama
Ill and homeless, Jack Sheldon is walking the streets begging, accompanied by his little child Edythe. Their appeals for assistance meet with no response until Mrs. Preston, picks them up in her automobile. In the machine, Sheldon becomes delirious and is taken to a hospital, where laboring under a strange hallucination, he escapes and wanders in a demented condition, to a sheepherder's camp where be obtains protection. Recovering from the delirium and regaining his strength, Sheldon is about to depart from the camp, when the returning goat herder falls from a high rock, receiving injuries which prove fatal. Nursed by Sheldon, the goat herder before dying, leaves Sheldon all his earthly possessions. Little Edythe, has been adopted by Mrs. Preston and has forgotten her parentage. Fifteen years after, she and her girl friends go picnicking in the mountains, near Sheldon's camp. Sheldon enters into a conversation with her. As the girl leaves the camp, Sheldon utters a prayer that his girl, wherever she may be, is safe from harm. Sheldon now discovers a placer goldfield; is possessed of much wealth and is determined to find his daughter. He sees Mrs. Preston and Edythe enter their motor car. Edythe loses her purse. Sheldon finds it in the street and traces them by means of a visiting card. He feels sure the Edythe is his daughter, and tells to Mrs. Preston and her the story of his life and adventures from the time he escaped from the hospital, gradually leading up to the climax, which he springs when he declares that if Edythe will look on her arm in a certain place, she will find a scar of a certain description. The girl slowly puts her arms around her father's neck. Sheldon assures Mrs. Preston of his gratitude to her and of his wealth and ability to care for the girl. Edythe and her father are reunited.

Where to Watch As Fate Wills

Cast of As Fate Wills

  • Edythe SterlingEdythe Sheldon - as an Adult



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