An Almond-Eyed Maid
Directed by Walter EdwinToko was counting the gold in the claws of the avaricious father of Peter San when that young lady came running into the room where these two men were sitting, In answer to her father's call, she noticed the marriage contract on the table, and wondered if her father could be selling her. She snatched the document and tore it into shreds. The father handed Toko a whip with which to beat Peter San, and would have done so if it were not for the appearance of Frank Grant, who had watched the proceedings from the outside. Frank applied the whip plentifully to both men and then took Peter San to the home of his fiancée, Alice, where she was employed as a maid, Peter San tried to make love to Frank, but could not succeed and at length resolved to kill Alice. Frank and Alice were strolling arm in arm in the garden and saw neither Peter San creeping behind with a dagger in her hand nor Toko and the father behind the wall, intent upon killing Frank. Peter San saw it all, however, and as Toko was about to run the knife into the breast of Frank, she jumped between and received her death blow.