Alles für Liebe

Directed by José Hidalgo
2013    30mShort, Drama
After the dead of their mother, Isabel and Sabrina have to learn how to live together. Everything seems going our of hand until Isabel falls in love with the gravedigger who buried her mother. Finding this boy and getting to know him better becomes a new task that brings both sisters closed to each others until they become a real family again. As time goes by and the frustration of not finding this boy increases, things get complicated again. Specially because Isabel would do anything for this love.

Where to Watch Alles für Liebe

Cast of Alles für Liebe

  • Anja BuhlerGraveyard Woman
  • Lisa-Maria FeikeIsabel Feldmüller
  • Kirsten RuscheSabrina Feldmüller
  • Klaus Thiel-KlennerEngelbert
  • Adrian WojtynekMan



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