Alien Connection

Directed by Michael Corriere
A film based on historical events that took place from June 24th to September 24th, 1947. The film introduces two new 'smoking gun' documents that attempt to shed new light on the Roswell crash in New Mexico around July 1st, 1947. The film also examines the crash of a B25 that killed two Army Air Force Intelligence Officers under very mysterious circumstances while they were on a UFO mission. Were they the victims of sabotage? If so by whom...the Americans? Or were the Soviets somehow involved? It is the first UFO documentary ever made that has no testimonials or ufologists in it.
Where to Watch Alien Connection
Cast of Alien Connection
  • Steve RimpiciGuy Burgess
  • Chris GonzalezChristopher
  • John BlackwellLt. Colonel Donald Springer
  • Stefan BolzAnthony Blunt
  • ChristopherChristopher Gonzalez
  • Scott DanniLt. Frank Brown
  • John DeBlasioPresident Truman
  • Tom DelFaveroDonald McLean
  • Roco DePernoCapt. William Davidson
  • Brian T. FiorioJosef Stalin
  • Danielle FoxCopperfields's
  • Lew GardnerColonel Morris
  • Samantha HenkinWistress
  • Elliot PassantinoKim Philby
  • Ellen PavloffNicole
  • Jim ReynoldsVladimir
  • Yury TsykunLavrenti Beria
  • Carl WornerKarl

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