African Metropolis

Directed by Jim Chuchu, Vincent Moloi, and Marie Ka
2013    1h 32mComedy, Drama,
The African Metropolis project includes six short films set in six major African metropolitan centers. The African Metropolis Short Film Project is an initiative of the Goethe-Institut South Africa and South African executive producer Steven Markovitz, with support from Guaranty Trust Bank plc and the Hubert Bals Fund of International Film Festival Rotterdam. The short fiction films are set in Lagos (Director: Folasakin Iwajomo), Abidjan (Philippe Lacote), Dakar (Marie KA), Johannesburg (Vincent Moloi), Cairo (Ahmed Ghoneimy) and Nairobi (Jim Chuchu). These films show the face of a modern and cosmopolitan Africa and challenges longstanding cliches about the continent.

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