A Man with Style
Directed by Yuya IshiiThe film stars Ken Mitsuishi as a 50-year-old single father named Miyata Junichi. Back in junior high, Junichi was bullied and made a promise to himself that he would grow up to be really cool. Junichi has been raising his two children, an unemployed 19-year-old named Toshiya (Morioka Ryu) and an 18-year-old high school senior named Momoko (Yoshinaga Jun) on his own since his wife died of cancer 15 years earlier. He works extremely hard as a truck driver to buy whatever he thinks his kids want; and even though money is tight, he never lets it show. One day, Junichi feels ill and becomes obsessed with the idea that he may be dying of cancer like his wife. Convinced his life will soon be ending, he begins putting his affairs in order and borrows tuition money from his best friend and only confidant, Sanada (Taguchi Tomorowo). However, in his never-ending attempt to be a cool adult, he refuses to burden his children with any of his problems.